Understand male baldness
How to solve the problem of Male Baldness?
Male baldness is associated with an excessive loss of hair, however, losing hair is normal, around 100 strands of hair per day. Losing a larger quantity of hair per day could indicate that you suffer from male baldness.
O que é?
In the majority of cases where men lose a large quantity of hair (around 95%), it is caused by Androgenetic Alopecia. This type of alopecia, as the name indicates, is a genetically determined disturbance. Men that suffer from this kind of Alopecia start to notice a gradual increase in hair loss and then a decrease in capillary volume and density, leaving areas more sparse. This occurs because, in some specific areas of the scalp (Frontal area, Top, Occipital), the capillary follicles have specific receptors that turn them vulnerable to the effect of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone).
The contact of this hormone with the receptor in the follicle shortens the life span of the hair, not giving them enough time for them to get stronger and denser. When the hair has a shorter life span, the capillary follicle reaches exhaustion quicker and will stop producing hair.
What are the main causes of male baldness?
The main cause of hair loss in men is Androgenetic Alopecia. However, there are other factors that can accelerate the manifestation of Androgenetic Alopecia, like stress, tobacco, or nutritional deficiencies.
These factors can also increase hair loss in men that do not suffer from
this kind of Alopecia but in those cases, it will cause an increase in the temporary loss, and it will stop when the factor that causes it disappears.
In addition to the causes previously mentioned, the increase in hair loss can originate from hormonal imbalance or from problems with the immune system.
Male baldness can also have other origins, for example, harsh medical treatments (chemotherapy), dermatological problems, (fungi, bacteria), or a scar resulting from an injury on the scalp.
At what age does male baldness manifest itself?
Male baldness could be manifested at any age, however, the majority of the cases can be found in adults. With an increase in age, the probability of a man suffering from baldness also increases. One in four men between the ages of 20 and 30 years old are already affected by Androgenetic Alopecia, the numbers skyrocket when we talk about men between the ages of 40 and 50, where one in two men are affected.
How can I stop my excessive hair loss?
In the market, we can find countless products that have the goal of stopping hair loss. Some of those products can really help to keep the hair strong and healthy, however, those products/treatments are not enough to stop hair loss when it is associated with Androgenetic Alopecia.
A healthy lifestyle is the most important aspect so that you can keep your hair strong as long as possible. Above all, avoid high levels of stress and have a balanced diet.
To fight hair loss efficiently, it is fundamental that you contact a capillary specialist, so that the reason behind the hair loss can be identified and also that the best solution for your specific case can be recommended.
At Attica Clinic we count on a team of capillary specialists that will advise you on the most adequate treatment to fight your hair loss.
How does male Androgenetic Alopecia manifest itself?
When we talk about the evolution of Androgenetic Alopecia, we always have to talk about the Norwood-Hamilton Scale O’Tar Norwood refined the scale to identify the steps of male baldness, which was created by
James Hamilton, creating then the reference scale used by specialists in the area.
The male Androgenetic Alopecia pattern is divided into 7 steps. The first, where the hairline starts to recede and the last where the top of the head is completely bald.
It is important to refer that not all men that suffer from this pathology will obligatorily reach the last stage. In the majority of men hair loss stabilizes at around 50 years of age.
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What are the existing treatments to fight male baldness?
At Attica, we present to our patients a set of efficient solutions that allow us to fight Androgenetic Alopecia at any of its stages. We can divide our solutions into two types: preventive treatments and definitive treatments.
What are the preventive treatments?
At Attica, we present two very effective treatments, capillary Mesotherapy and the PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatment. These two types of treatment are recommended mainly to men that find themselves in the first stages of Androgenetic Alopecia, however, they could also be performed in more advanced stages of baldness. These treatments have as their main objective to prolong the life cycle of the hair.
What are the definitive treatments?
When we find ourselves with a man that already is at the most advanced stages of Androgenetic Alopecia, the hair transplant is the only solution that allows hair to grow in the sparse or bald areas of the scalp.
Our capillary transplant guarantees long-lasting results, more natural and better post-surgery healing.
Our specialized doctors carefully remove hairs from the area that is donating the hair, one by one, without leaving scars. These hairs are then implanted, one by one, in the sparse or bald areas of the head. The transplanted hairs are not sensible to the effects of DHT and so they will continue their life cycle as normal just like they had in the original area.